Saturday, March 7, 2009

I am no longer in complete control of reality

My horoscope for this morning:

After a night of strange dreams, you probably want your day to unfold exactly as you planned. But you are no longer in complete control of reality and the harder you try to wrest it back, the more complicated everything becomes. Still, you might need to demonstrate your competence now by pretending you're in charge. You can carry off this grand illusion today as long as you don't start to believe the hype yourself.

I did have some strange dreams last night.  I dreamt I went to Dairy Queen with a few friends and ordered a hot fudge sundae.  When they gave me the sundae, my friends had already ate all of the chocolate off of it.  I thought that was strange, apparently they did not. 

I also dreamt I was at Disney, but I wasn't allowed to enter the park or go anywhere.  Everyone else could go in, but I was stuck at the gates. 

I'm not sure what it means to not be in control of reality.  Does this mean you slip a cog somewhere in your mind (possible at this point!) or that you should just let the reins go, stop worrying, and see where life takes you. 

I suppose you could say I am superstitious by birth, because it's a deeply ingrained German thing with my Grandma.  I think horoscopes fall somewhere along the lines of superstition, so occasionally I am inclined to listen to whatever epiphany it leads me to that morning.   I am also inclined not to put my shoes on the table (if you do, there could be a death in the family), not to drop a fork in a specific direction (if you do, there could be company coming from that direction), or let my cat howl under my window (once again, death in the family).   I know, it's all ridiculous.  You shouldn't put your shoes on the table because that's just disgusting.   Dropping a fork is accidental, and I've actually dropped one on purpose a time or two because I was bored or lonely.   The cat superstition was probably taken a little too seriously by myself and my cousins, as one night a cat did howl under the window at my Grandma's farm and the next morning we found it killed by raccoons.  Now if my cat howls anywhere outside, I'm at the door bringing her in. I have seen up to 5 raccoons at any one time looking through the glass door on my deck, so I know that this particular superstition can take a very real turn for the cat.

I have no real plans for today, so I suppose I will see where this windy and cold March day takes me.

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