Really, where does time go? Even though I have devoted myself to sucking up every single second of babydom, my little chunk is growing up.
Nico (as we call him, also known as Nico Chico) is a bouncing 19 pounds at almost 5 months. To say he is difficult to carry around would be a massive understatement. My wrists ache from carpal tunnel! Not kidding! He was 15.6 at our 2 month appointment, and my wonderful Dr. suggested that he was being served a bit too much 'whip cream' as opposed to milk. He does like to eat, that is for sure.
He is such a happy baby, always smiling (unless he's teething) and just being a sweetie in general. He loves his brothers and sister, and he also loves his Daddy which is new for us. Our babies always wanted mommy all the time, but Nico loves his dad. I think it's because Jason really takes care of him, plays with him, and doesn't want to miss him being a baby the way he did with the other 3.
C, N, & J are all doing well in school. I had a momentary freak out about swine flu and literally pulled them all from school for 4 days until they got the h1n1 shot. J has asthma, so I could not take any chances.
Halloween is over and we started decorating for Christmas today. I had to pull 10 big huge boxes out of the crawl space and haul them upstairs by myself. Stressful. Kind of sucks the joy of everything.
I have started another blog at http://www.shellywutke.blogspot.com, but it's for the purpose of marketing writing. I'm still freelancing on Odesk, and it's about all I can handle right now. Of course I have big dreams, but I'm learning that dreams can get put on hold, no matter how old you are. I am envious occasionally, because I see several of my kidswap friends doing so well with photography and it's so great to see moms getting out there and doing what they are best at. My time will come...or it won't. Either way I'm blessed with my family, and even when I get overwhelmed and depressed I tell myself everyday how lucky I am to have them. I really do love to write, so I will just keep writing and see what happens.
I was thinking about Kidswap the other day, because I have to keep explaining the twitter name. Still not sure what to do with it. I'm thinking that permanently closing it would be the best, or starting a blog on the main site and just letting people sell if they want to. It has long since been over there, and it's really sad. I enjoyed it. I miss my kidswap friends! Luckily I can peek in on some of them on Twitter, but not having facebook and the forum makes me miss out on others.